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It's time to pour into you!!!

Rosalind Arceneaux BSN, RN

Rosalind Arceneaux earned her Bachelor of Science in nursing degree from William Carey University. She has maintained a successful and rewarding career in healthcare for almost a decade working in OB, gynecology, med-surg, ortho, post-op, telemetry, critical care, home health and geriatrics.

Like most of you; being so ambitious, working hard, and caring for others; we have a habit of neglecting ourselves. We eat the wrong things, get next to no sleep, inhale energy drinks, and sugary snacks, as well as finding it impossible to make it to the gym. Our waist and thighs thicken, and we feel less confident, less like the “baddie” we knew we once were. These have been her struggles as well which is why she is beyond passionate about the services Honey Bee Snatched provides.

Honey Bee Snatched offers noninvasive treatments using sound waves, radio frequency, wood therapy and more. These treatments reduce stubborn fat, decrease inches, tighten and firm skin, minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles as well as reduce cellulite. We provide services that are customized to fit each individual client needs. What we do is in the name, “get you snatched,” however it’s way more than that. We are a one stop shop for confidence, relaxation, and results. It’s finally time to pour back into YOU!